April 28, 2007

How was Hasselt?

Last month my sister and I went to Hasselt (B) for a knittingworkshop by Brandon Mably.
He's the other half (in work) of Kaffe Fassett.
You picked out one postcard, collecting yarn and start knitting.
TWO WHOLE days of knitting on one piece.
During the lunch we eat from this tablecloth.
First you knit a little of every colour from you card, in the same amount.
Can you tell wich one is mine?

And this is the very funny man, who didn't stopped motivating and has a VERY good eye and feeling about colours. And what they do together.
I think it was a quiet group who worked very hard, but he was keep on telling us little jokes.
The perfect teacher.
But: the slowest knitter I ever saw! ;)
He was making a big shawl with Rowan Kidsilk.
Later on Part II.


Breibeest said...

Amazing! Wow, a two-day knitting workshop nearby! How did you find out about it?

The colors are really beautiful... was the workshop mainly about the use of color, or was it also about knitting techniques?

Anonymous said...

Klinkt fascinerend...in een ding moet ik je corrigeren: ík ben de langzaamste breier.

Knittacia said...

It is good that you are back online. I don't know how I would manage without.

The workshop looked amazing. I would love doing something like that.