July 31, 2011


How do you make your designs?
What's first, the yarn or the colour?

People ask me a lot about how I design.
So this is a post about how it worked for 2 projects.
This scribble on paper in the first picture
is the start of my design
for the Pannenlap.

And is working out like this:

And these great yarns were the start of the
Ballee Baby Blanket XXL

Sometimes I start with colours, and sometimes I feel a yarn, or see one, and it just tells me what to make of it!

How do you work?

There are a few days left before I pick out the winners of the free Ballee Pattern Contest!
Let me know your answer :)
Don't be shy..

1 comment:

Usch said...

I do the same - totally differs from project to project.
Sometimes I find yarn that wants to be a particular thing, and I have to follow its lead. other times I have a specific project in mind and try to find the appropriate yarn. Sometimes I start something out as a vest, unravel, knit a shawl, unravel because I realized it needs to be a toddler sweater ;-)