August 19, 2009

mittens in summer

We had our weekly knitnight yesterday
with a guestknitter: Linnaliina from Estonia
I've picked her up at her hotel, walked a little tour trough the city
and had a very good night with her and the other knittingladies!
She gave me 2 skeins of beautifull real Estonian wool, thank you!

And this is the first thing I've made with it:
Mittens for Pientje
My daughter (in a few days we celebrate her 4th birthday)
has a big little wish
mittens for her child Pientje
As a good mother I knit her a pair
its 32 C. outside....


Jolanda said...

Zo doen de topontwerpers het toch ook. Wintercollectie in de zomer, dus wat dat betreft ben je helemaal bij.

MoniqueB. said...

jolanda heeft gelijk, en je ziet het bij knitty ook al: goede voorbereiding is het halve werk!

Liina said...

I'm finally back and caugth up with everyday stuff. Nice quick work, and I hope she likes them.
Happy knitting!